Photocopier Price Pledge
Our Photocopier Price Pledge, Lowest prices, UK Lowest Photocopier Prices
£50.00* to the Charity or School of your Choice!
Yes, we will pay £50.00* to the Charity or School of your Choice if you have a written quote for a new photocopier and we can’t beat that price with the same or an equivalent machine.
We are probably the lowest prices supplier in the U.K. offering:
- Identical Machines (or equivalent from a different manufacturer)
- Great Prices
- Price comparison
- Competitive Service Support
- Fantastic Lease Rates
Where’s the Catch? There Isn’t One.
*All we ask is that you show us your best quotation and if we can beat the price you place your order with us (and if finance is required it credit clears).
By seeing the quotation that you have we can be sure of offering like for like equipment.
Place Your Order with us at the lower price we have offered and we will pay £50.00* to the Charity or School of your Choice.
If we can’t beat the price you have shown us (which we will confirm in writing) and you place an order within 30 days for the better proposal with that supplier we will still pay £50.00 to the charity of your choice. Contact us!
Offer Limited to: