Acquisitions Business Partnerships
Business Acquisitions, Business Partnerships, Business Agents
Do you have a photocopier business for sale? Are you considering business partnerships or business agents to selling your photocopier company or photocopier client base, or have you thought that a partnership may work for you?
Small copier companies often become disillusioned with the returns on their hard work and consider selling their client base. However, they may find it challenging due to the relatively small size of their customer base. The bigger companies may not be interested as you may simply be too small.
You may have reservations because you have a few loyal staff who you would like to see kept wherever possible; as we all know the larger companies don’t need or want staff they are just chasing a photocopier base.
You may have lease commitments on premises, possibly you started recently [in say the last few years] and you just can’t make enough money and need to sell the copier customer base that you have built up.
If you’ve received alternative work offers, and you’re unsure how to sell your photocopier business or find interested buyers for a small copier base, take proactive steps. Identify your target market and approach potential buyers to explore suitable opportunities.
We want to talk to anyone considering selling their photocopier and/or printer base.
We don’t have any hard and fast rules on valuations, we would rather talk to you about what you have and what you would like to see happen with your company.
Maybe you’d like to join us. We want to establish new business partnerships in various areas. Contact us.
Why choose Interactive to buy your photocopier business or be a new partner?
We are interested in fair deals for all three:
1. You
2. Interactive
3. Your Clients.
We may consider expanding staff and offices or warehouses.
Possible partnership arrangements are of interest to us.